2022 SU General Election Full Supplement

Farewell from local MLA

RE: Students’ Union vice-president academic Hana Kadri to seek PC nomination for riding containing the U of C

As MLA for the Calgary-Varsity constituency for the past three years, I want to thank constituents in all communities, including the University of Calgary, for this opportunity to serve. I will not be seeking re-election in the next provincial election.

As MLA, it was a joy to participate on your campus, to listen to your voices and make sure your ideas were heard by the Government of Alberta. Beyond attending graduation ceremonies, faculty hosted lectures, Stampede parties, research award ceremonies, athletic competitions and other formal events, I welcomed the opportunity to meet with youth leaders on a regular basis and develop candid, honest relationships. 

It’s critical for any politician to understand emerging issues from all perspectives — students, university administration, academics and alumni. In the last three years, I have informally met with someone from or at the university every single week to proactively navigate issues, advocate for university stakeholders and support your initiatives.

The University of Calgary has always meant a lot to my family — my husband was one of the business school’s early graduates. Over the past 20 years, I’ve been an invited lecturer in the faculties of business, social work, education, law and political science. I’ve personally mentored dozens of U of C students. 

Most importantly, the university is an essential part of the wider community here in northwest Calgary. Although the primary focus of the university is students, the university has also reached out to the local citizens to invite them in — to participate with students in learning and sharing and to understand at a deeper level what post-secondary education means for youth and for all Albertans.  

Thank you for the making the university accessible to me as MLA, and more importantly, thank you for making the university accessible to all local citizens. Constituents in Calgary-Varsity value education, and we all want students at the University of Calgary to succeed.

Donna Kennedy-Glans, Calgary-Varsity MLA

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