2022 SU General Election Full Supplement

New Music: Blaise Moore

By Gurman Sahota, March 7 2017 —

Bursting into the Canadian music scene, Blaise Moore delivers LAURENCE, an homage to the history of the sad electro-pop genre. Expanding upon the familiar sadness of something Lana Del Rey would croon about, Moore drives the album through heartbreak and the ritual of unpacking what went wrong in a relationship.ENT_Blaise

Tracks move from discussing how we take fault in relationships to the vindictive aftershock that comes with doubt and heartbreak.

The track “LGW” begins with a soft electronic preface that introduces Moore’s delicate voice. The song lures listeners, flirting with silence in the middle of the track. The album is a siren’s call — deceivingly powerful and very deadly.

“FRIENDS” changes the tone of the album by going from sad pop to R&B. Moore’s voice melts into the instrumentals, which the listener can’t help but consume voraciously.

The album hinges on Moore’s apathy. The track “FUCK IT’ moves from impulsivity to resurrection, embracing awful situations and recognizing them as such.

Artists often seem unsure of their niche sound when they first start out, but Moore seems to have found it between the release of her EP LONDON and this album.

Although I am a firm believer in the evolution of artistry and of having musicians grow and experiment, I hope Moore continues baring her teeth with a dash of melancholy.

Her softness combined with the unexpected scorned bite suits her voice. There is a sense of daring impulsivity that the Torontonian filters through her music — a wildness that has yet to be harnessed which makes her album a pleasurable listen.

Moore displays her novice craftsmanship in a refreshing manner on her debut album by daring to bluntly tell lost loves exatly how they screwed her over. As this being her first album, it allows for Moore to take risks with her music and place her vulnerability at the forefront of her songs.


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